Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Breakfast this morning was omlet-style egg bits, warm milk, and a hamburger. I think host dad is concerned that I don't like Chinese food...he's made sure that there is 'Western-style' food the hamburger...hehehe. Really, I have yet to come across anything I just really can't stand. Meals seem a little random in composition, but the food tastes good. I will say, though, that using chopsticks when you've just woken up is a bit of a challenge.
I think i'm still a little jet-lagged. It's not as bad as I expected, though, except my feet are still swolen from the plane flight. Or 4 plane flights. Oh well.
My host family, as I've said, is adorable. Mom & Dad, you'll be excited to know that they are really concerned with my safety. I was going to take the bus home from the University after my placement test today, but Host dad really wanted me to take a taxi. The bus station is only about 500 meters from the housing complex, but Host dad says that although the city is very safe, there are workers from other provinces in China living nearby that aren't accustomed to foreigners and might stare. I had to laugh a little at this--I'm pretty conspicuous wherever I go--but I agreed to take the taxi. I also got better directions to prevent another taxi tour like the one I had yesterday.
Cheng Cheng (my host sister) begins her upper-high examinations today. This test is very important for her future, as the results will determine wether she is allowed to go to the academic upper high school in preparation for college, or to the vocational high school. Cheng Cheng does well in school, but I think host mom and dad are still a little nervous. It's a lot of pressure...I think we American students take our opportunities for granted way too often.

Today I had my fist experience with a squat-toilet.
The adventure continues. =)