Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Found it.

6-21-04 (copied from notebook)

"The saying 'Getting there is half the fun' became obsolete with the advent of commercial arilines." --Henry Tillman

My adventure began this morning at about 4:15 a.m., after roughly an hour and a half of sleep. The first 2 legs of my trip were pretty much uneventful; on the Huntsville-Dallas leg I was able to sleep a little, and an aisle seat and in-flight movie helped on the longer flight to Los Angeles. Now for the 19-hour flight...
I met a girl in LA who's going to study at the same university in Beijing that I'll be at. Patty's parents are Chinese, but she doesn't speak Chinese, so she's going to try and learn this summer. We have seats next to each other on the plane, which is nice. On my other side is Mr. Li, a Beijing man coming home from a 20-day business trip in America. He's been very patient with my Chinese, and we've been talking in Chinglish. He is an admirer of the American social structure, and he also liked the weather.
The safety video was an anime cartoon. Most excellent. =) So far we've had one meal-noodles and some kind of fish (not bad for airplane food) and I think we'll get another meal later. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep a little between now and then.

6-22-04 (still in the plane. we've crossed the int'l date line)
One more hour until Shanghai. I've discovered that we will have a two-hour layover there...but at this point that doesn't sound too bad--we'll have room to stretch out and walk around. Patty woke up to pronounce, 'Wow, we're on the other side of the world.' Yep. weird thought. To quote Laurence and Matt (from the 'end of the world' cartoon), 'I am le tired.'